fidelis An Ad Finem Fidelis Production
Ad finem fidelis is the motto of the Gilroy clan. It translates from Latin as "To the end, faithful".
The coat-of-arms of the Gilroy clan comprises three dolphins. In heraldry, the dolphin is considered the king of fish, just as the lion is the king of beasts and the eagle king of birds. There might be some irony in the fact that the dolphin is not really a fish. :) Dolphins also don't bow their torsos, but in heraldry, apparently all dolphins are embowed.
The actual Gilroy coat is shown to the left. In my opinion, the embowed dolphins looked more like ticked-off Fighting Trout. :) It's even worse on the time-scarred plaque I inherited somewhere along the way. There, they look like ticked-off mutant killer Fighting Trout, crossed with Pop-Eye.
For my own purposes, I rendered the Ad Finem Fidelis image above. The dolphins point different directions for no reason other than aesthetics. The pillars, too, are only aesthetic, serving to delineate the surface of the water. The image was created and rendered in POV-Ray.
I also made the Ad Finem Fidelis icon, by stealing someone's dolphin icon from the Net and modifying it (primarily by triplicating the dolphin).
(AVI movie file with sound)