Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.
Apocalypse Whenever


After any player (including you) has detonated any nuclear warhead and rolled on the chart, play this card. The rolled result is ignored and the roll is changed immediately to "99: Triple the yield".

NB: On a 100 Mt or greater warhead, this card destroys the world.

This card trumps all other cards.

Additional Notes and Information:

OK, so we're a little twisted. Some of my students expressed frustration that we never seem to hit the "Destroy the world" roll on a 100 Mt warhead. So I made this. Eventually, because of other cards that negate rolls, we made this the uber-trump. Our philosophy is, if someone really wants to destroy the world, then -- despite generation of James Bond films -- the world will be destroyed. Or, to quote Ford Prefect, "They care. We don't. They win."

In common usage, the Apocalypse is the end of the world, often due to (surprise!) nuclear war. It has a more technical, religous meaning of course. But the card also obliquely references the Francis Ford Coppola classic, Apocalypse Now.