Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.


Your scientists surround your nation with a timestop field.

Play on your turn; activates at the end of your turn. Until your turn comes again, your nation cannot affect or be affected by anything. (No warheads, Secrets, etc.) Wandering effects (cobalt bomb, EMP bomb, etc.) skip over you while bobbled.

Additional Notes and Information:

This is not bubble -- it's bobble. And I don't mean bobble-head either. (Though that could be funny in its own way.) This card refers to the bobble field described by Vernor Vinge in his The Peace War novel. Bobbles literally closed a spherical region of space off from the rest of the Universe. Inside time stopped. Outside time moved on. Vinge's bobbles collapsed at random intervals due to quantum effects. I toyed with making the duration of the bobble random but decided against it. (Maybe a future card will be Super Bobble.)

I pictured this as a hard card to utilize well. Nonetheless my students have proven quite adept and used this card to maximum advantage.

I know it's hard to see but the icon is a guy, trapped behind a clockface, that has the international No sign drawn across it. Oh, and he's drawn like Da Vinci's Man in Motion, with arms and legs drawn in several positions. This makes him look unfortunately like a spider.

-=-BhpG 2005 0615