Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.
Chemical Warhead


Replaces a 20 Mt warhead.
Once played, whoever holds the card loses 1-3 Million at the start of his/her turn. Then he/she rolls 1d10 to see what happens to the gas cloud.

Die Roll Result
moves clockwise
moves anti-clockwise
stays in place
dissipates; discard

Additional Notes and Information:

We use the Special Warheads House Rule for this one.

I wrote a Python script to simulate its effect in games of various sizes. (Due to the random-walk of the cloud coupled to the wrapping nature of the world, the size of the game matters.) The warhead is dropped on the >> << player and its effects drift as indicated. The original card turned out, under simulation, to be pretty wimpy so I reduced the chance of dissipation.

Be warned: Due to the nature of random walks, there are occasional times when this card will be absolutely devestating. As noted, in the million sims I ran, one of the warheads killed a total of 332 Million people.

Chemical Warhead Simulator for NukeWar
Number of simulations: 1000000
Average total dead: 20.000; worst case: 332
A 2 player game: ..... ..... 8.89 >>11.11 << .... .... ....
A 3 player game: ..... ..... 5.71 >> 8.57 << 5.72 .... ....
A 4 player game: ..... 3.56  4.44 >> 7.55 << 4.45 .... ....
A 5 player game: ..... 2.58  3.87 >> 7.10 << 3.87 2.58 ....
A 6 player game: 1.69  2.12  3.60 >> 6.88 << 3.60 2.11 ....
A 7 player game: 1.26  1.89  3.46 >> 6.77 << 3.46 1.89 1.26