Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.
Special: Installation
DEW Line


Global network of radar stations provides clues to enemy intentions.

Play on your turn.

From now on, any nuclear warhead detonated on you causes 2 M fewer casualties than called for by the chart.

Can be attacked like Atomic Cannon.

Additional Notes and Information:

DEW stands for "Distant Early Warning". The DEW line (besides being a pun) refers to a chain of radar stations in the high Arctic, intended to alert North American defenders that a Soviet attack was in progress. It's also the title of a really cool song by Rush that is a propos to the game.

Ironically, the actual DEW Line was rendered obsolete almost immediately by the advent of Soviet ICBMs.

Holding this card and "War College" would give you a pretty big advantage in a nuclear exchange.

-=-BhpG 2005 0617