Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.
Special: Installation
Free Trade Agreement


You enter a customs union with a different player (whom you must name right now).

Each turn, after drawing cards, you may offer one card from your unplayed hand in exchange for one from his/her unplayed hand. On turns you do not trade cards, youeach have a separate 1-in-6 chance of gaining 1M citizens from the discard pile due to economic growth.

This ability may be attacked like Atomic Cannon.

If only one other player remains when you draw this card, discard it and draw another.

Additional Notes and Information:

Inspired by CAFTA, NAFTA, and the like, this is an attempt to model economic effects in the game (bringing up the whole iffy issue of how long, exactly, a NukeWar game takes in "game time"). Despite my reservations about the current round of *FTA treaties, I believe in the long-term benefit of free trade, so I included the (slow) growth effect. If you're convinced that globalism is the End of the Republic, feel free to drop that part of the card.

-=-BhpG 2005 0730

OK, full disclosure here. This card is in part a response to a carp of the group. When we first began playing, for reasons unknown everyone hated the Trading Session card. Every time it came up we just ignored it and let the person draw another card. Eventually I got so fed up I actually tore the card in pieces and threw it out. Of course, almost immediately, players began complaining. "My hand stinks. If only there was some way we could, say, trade cards...." So here it is, in limited fashion.

-=-BhpG 2005 0828