Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.
Hawking Bomb


Fire a microscopic black\ hole at your enemy.
Takes the place of a 40 Mt bomb but has a yield determined by d100:

Roll Yield
01-05 10 Mt
06-20 20 Mt
21-45 40 Mt
45-70 50 Mt
71-85 60 Mt
86-95 75 Mt
96-00 100 Mt

Additional Notes and Information:

This is a sci fi weapon of (as far as I know) my own devising. You might think that the black hole does its damage by eating everything it touches, but that is in fact not the mechanism of the Hawking bomb. Stephen Hawking is a theoretical physicist who, in the 1970s, established a connection between black holes and entropy. He thereby proved several things: (a) Black holes come in various sizes. (b) Black holes have a "temperature", with smaller holes being hotter than larger ones. (c) Despite being so dense that nothing can escape, black holes nonetheless radiate -- and, as with ordinary objects, hotter holes radiae more than cooler ones. Since this energy has to come from the gravitational energy of the black hole, it loses mass as it radiates. And since smaller holes are hotter, as a black hole radiates, it becomes hotter and radiates even more. This leads to a runaway effect and the black hole, once it drops below a certain size, explodes in a burst of gravitons and gamma rays. That's what does the damage.

The inherent randomness of this quantum gravitational effect is reflected in the die roll.

-=-BhpG, 2005 0615