Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.


You may use a bomber to drop Propaganda even during wartime. However:

(a) Each Prop card occupies tonnage equal to 2 times its yield
(ex: 13 M people = 26 megatons).

(b) You receive only 1/2 of the listed yield (round down, minimum 1M)
(ex: A 7M Propaganda card yields 3M people.)

(c) You are not allowed to mix leaflets and warheads. Once a non- Propaganda card is turned up, the bomber is lost (but see In-flight Refueling).

Additional Notes and Information:

In our gaming group, an empty missile followed by a Prop card has long been called "dropping leaflets on the enemy". The technique itself was common in WWII and the Korean Conflict. This card is yet another way to utilize Propaganda during wartime. Although some of our players complain about the ratios, I felt it important to limit the card, since (after all) a bomber allows a lot of cards to be dropped and because population transfer can rapidly unbalance a game in a way that simply deaths do not.

The icon, by the way, implies that the leaflets read "Surrender Dorothy!", a nod to The Wizard of Oz and an early example of aerial propaganda...
