Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.
Life on Mars


Your scientists discover life on Mars.

Good news:
1 Million impressed people from every enemy country migrate to yours.

Bad news:
Martian Flu kills 1-6 Million of your people before it is contained. (Superserum prevents deaths; vaccine not effective; domed cities doubles deaths)

Additional Notes and Information:

Originally, this comment read, There's really no good reason why the vaccine works but superserum does not; I was just feeling impish. On reflection, it probably should be the reverse. After all, no pre-existing vaccine is going to help with an extraterrestrial disease; but if superserum reflects the heroic efforts of your biodefense labs, it could work "in the nick of time". Maybe we'll change it. We did. If you're curious, Domed Cities doubles the deaths because it keeps the Martian Flu confined to a small space, whereas we know from War of the Worlds that Martian things die when exposed to our nasty Terran environment.

The cool idea for the icon was to superimpose the biohazard symbol onto a picture of Mars; but that exceeded my mastery of the paint program. Lately I added the sprinkling of stars in the background, which hopefully makes the point.
