Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.


Limited Space Station.
Launched by Saturn or Atlas. At launch place up to 3 warheads (20 Mt or less each) from your hand onto Mir.
Successful launch on 2-6. Cannot be resupplied. Once all warheads are expended, deorbiting station will kill an additional 1 Million in a randomly-chosen country (including owner's).

Additional Notes and Information:

With apologies to our Russian friends... Nuclear Escalation is currently out of print and I very much want a Space Station. So I cobbled together the next-best thing, much like its namesake. Compared to a real Space Station, this is a weak card. But it's still nice to have an additional three warheads that can be dropped at any time.
