Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.
Top Secret
Peace Breaks Out!


Spontaneous global movement forces leaders to declare peace.
Everyone picks up his/her command line (including missiles and bombers in-flight, though not expended warheads) and plays a new one. For the next two turns, peace is enforced: any nation that attacks another has 5 Million people defect to the target in sympathy (even if the attack fails) but peace is not broken. After the two turns, peace lasts until it is broken the usual way.

Additional Notes and Information:

In our experience, peace is almost never declared and propaganda cards have only two turns of utility. In contrast, this random happening favors the poor slob who's pulled 8 propaganda and "Domed Citires". The sympathy vote puts some teeth into it. For awhile I considered not letting people re-set their command line (making lots of 5 Million transfers go on) but decided that wasn't consistent with the usual rules.

The first time we played this card, it happened to be during the pre-game clearing of Secrets. :) It actually served its purpose of making our traditional war-monger think twice rather than start war on the first turn.

Over time, this has become the most hated of cards by my student players. I on the other hand love it, because it forces everyone to re-evaluate their strategies. It has proven surprisingly effective.
