Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.
XF-85 Goblin


Replaces a 20 Mt warhead.
"Parasite" fighter flies escort for host bomber.
After deployment through command line, the Goblin has a 01-50 chance on d100 of stopping any interceptor fired at the bomber. Is destroyed if successful. Is lost when the bomber is shot down, runs out of fuel, or crashes. Cannot be used with DCX or Shuttle.

Does not count in hand once revealed.

Additional Notes and Information:

The real XF-85 Goblin was meant for the B-36 and other prop-driven strategic bombers and really had no place in a jet-driven nuclear age. But what the heck -- the concept intrigued me and in some alternate Earth maybe they made these things. They aren't too far from the concept of fighters in movies like Star Wars (if you consider the strategic bomber to be the "capital ship" of the air.)

-=-BhpG 2005 0630