Advanced Placement Physics

Quote Vote 2005 : results

Top Ten Quotes


Hey, you know what else fits inside that hole, Mirsky?” (Matt Maurice)

“Watch it, Mr. Maurice.” (Bernard HP Gilroy)

Anything with a similar radius to the hole.” (Matt Maurice)


You guys ever play Monopoly? What do you roll most often?” (Bernard HP Gilroy)

“Dice.” (Edwin Garcia)

“Seven.” (Matt Maurice)

Aw, damn!” (Edwin Garcia)


[to derive gravitational potential energy from the form of gravitational force]

'We did not just multiply by r. So what did we do?” (Bernard HP Gilroy)

You multiplied by r.” (Denis Tchickounov)


How do you weigh a black hole?” (Dave Mirsky)

Put it on a scale.” (Bernard HP Gilroy)


If you are going to walk into a wall you might as well run into it.” (Bernard HP Gilroy)


You wouldn’t do that. You pretend to be really mean but I know you’re not.” (Erin Mills)


Who’s in multivariable?” (Bernard HP Gilroy)

[Erin raises hand]

“You gotta be kidding me!”(Bernard HP Gilroy)

[Erin turns red]

“I’m so embarrassed!” (Erin Mills)

Well then my work here is done.” (Bernard HP Gilroy)


Oh sorry, you win.” (20Q) [after incorrectly guessing Mirsky's object]

“Yeah!!” (Dave Mirsky)

“Just kidding -- it’s a dishwasher” (20Q) [which it was]

AAAAHHHHH!!!!” (Dave Mirsky)


[Re: the SmartMass-encrusted sarcastic ball]

“Yo we’ll definitely get like an honors physics kid with this.” (Matt Miller)

[Mirsky enters]

“Oh yo let me see that.” (Dave Mirsky)

[THUD as Mirsky attempts to smash the "ball of SmartMass"]

“AAAAHHHHH!”(Dave Mirsky)

I so totally know what just happened.” (Bernard HP Gilroy)


[reading a list from the AP Physics bin for the Trebuchet project:]

"Equipment needed:
1 catapult

1 rock"

(Brett Benowitz)


I’d rather get no credit than hand it in and get a zero” (Dave Mirsky)

That doesn’t even make any sense.” (Bernard HP Gilroy)

"Least. Observant. Class. Ever."