Category: review

  • Review: Oryx and Crake

    Oryx and Crake (a novel) by Margaret Atwood InstaRating: 4 out of 5 In brief: Snowman is the last (traditional) human alive in a world curiously empty. He bears the secret of what happened to civilization and slowly reveals it to himself as he watches over the successor species: humans carefully designed to thrive in…

  • Review: Eragon

    Eragon (the movie) fantasy/adventure Cast details, etc., are in the IMDb entry. InstaRating: 2 out of 5 Having little else to do while school is out, I decided to see Eragon, this season’s epic high fantasy. I went with some trepidation, as the commercials made it seem overwhelmingly, well, cheesy. In hindsight, I had no…

  • Review: Interface

    Interface by Neal Stephenson and J. Frederick George (c) 1994 Bantam Dell InstaRating: 3.5 out of 5 An experimental biochip is implanted in a governor of Illinois after he suffers a massive stroke. Its stated purpose is to repair the connections in his brain, giving him access to speech and motor skills again. Unknown to…

  • Beyond the poundy drums

    I’m a fan of the new, “re-imagined” Battlestar Galactica on the Sci Fi channel. (Shamefaced confession: I am also a fan of the original schlocky BSG from 1978 — in fact I was one of those loudly decrying the new one as yet another unholy exploitation of the greats of my childhood. Oopsie.) I like…

  • Superman: Meh of Steel

    Last night I went to see Superman Returns by accident, sort of. (I went to see Cars but it wasn’t playing — curse you and your occasionally-inaccurate schedules, Yahoo! Movies!) Having slogged all the way out to the theater, and having expectations that I’d see this sooner or later, I bought a ticket to Bryan…