Category: teaching

  • Snow Day

    Not really — not in mid-June in New Jersey — but I’m still learning WordPress and wanted to try uploading a picture. If I’ve done everything correctly, there should be a thumbnail image above, which links to the full image. This one happens to have been taken from the Russell portico roof on 2003 December…

  • Old proof but rediscovered

    I had to dig this out for a slashdot debate and remembered that I’m reasonably proud of it. It only relates to teaching in that I wrote it up as a handout for my AP Physics class. The basic idea is, it has been asserted that allowing an ice cube to melt in a cup…

  • Advice to New Teachers

    This is actually an ancient-of-days thing I wrote many many moons ago for a friend of mine who was beginning his teaching career. But even seven years later I think I have the same general opinion, so I’m offering it up mostly unedited. Also, I want to try out multi-screen posting. 🙂 -=-BhpG This is…