Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.
Murphy's Law


Play after any percentile die roll.

The original roll is immediately changed to an "01".

This card is trumped by "Apocalypse Whenever".

Additional Notes and Information:

This card is the natural counterpary to Apocalypse Whenever. Note that there are cards for which 01 is a good result, so this is not actually a necessarily bad luck card. But that's the intent; hence, the icon of a B52 flying under a ladder. (We'll ignore the dimensional impossibilities here.)

This card is specifically trumped by Apocalypse Whenever because who wants some party-pooper preventing the end of the world? (Actually, we went back and made Apocalypse Whenever trump any and all other cards.)

-=-BhpG 2005 0702