Nuclear War Expansion Cards
Created by Bernard HP Gilroy and students
(c) 2005 Gilroy. Free for non-profit use.
More information (including a consolidated list) is available.
Wild Weasel


Electronic countermeasures pull weapon off-course.
Play when a missile or bomber detonates a nuclear warhead on you but before damage is rolled. The chart effect is reduced one level. Not an interceptor.

For warheads less than 20 Mt All other nuclear warheads
+10 M
Triple yield
Triple yield
+10 M
+5 M
Double yield
Double yield
+5 M
+2 M
+2 M
+1 M
+1 M
+0 M
+0 M
-2 M
-2 M
system explodes
system explodes

Additional Notes and Information:

A "wild weasel" is an airplane equipped with electronics designed to fool seeker missiles, often by impersonating a more valuable target. Although I stole the idea from Star Fleet Battles, it's a real term.

The need for a chart here stems from two glitches in the published chart. First, in the percentile equivalents to the spinner, a damage-increasing result (+1 M) occurs between the damage-reducing (-2 M) and no-extra (no fallout) results. Gah. Worse, of course, as anyone who plays for a while knows, "triple" on a 10 Mt is actually worse (6 M total killed) than the +10 result (12 M total killed). Likewise, if less obnoxious, for the 15 Mt warhead.

This card has a natural complement in Inertial Guidance.
