Week 17 in the Program

Weight this week | Change since last week | Total change
294.8 | -9.2 | -73.6
Blood Pressure | Systolic | Diastolic
* | 130 | 90

From a weight-loss perspective, this was a very good week: nearly ten pounds. But of course, given the spike upward last week, that just about puts me where I should be anyway. That’s somewhat frustrating and will, I suspect, be a good goad not to go out-of-box in the future. More reassuringly, I didn’t have to change all that much to achieve the higher number; I just had to stick to the program.

More disturbingly, my blood pressure crept back up a bit. It’s not any cause for worry as of yet. Part of the issue might just be that I got checked at a later time than usual; BP is known to be somewhat dependent to time-of-day and such. (I attended a later class than usual due to a school commitment.) The doctor doesn’t seem worried and he didn’t put me back on ramipril, so it’s probably not an extremely bad development, but it warrants keeping an eye out.

As mentioned I attended a different class. For the past month or so I’ve been going to a “maintenance” class (even though I’m still in weight loss) because Tuesdays work much better than any other night and there wasn’t any Tuesday night weight loss. As of last night, there is — a new cycle is beginning with four new people. PWMC gave me the option of choosing which session I attend from now on. I’m probably going to stick with Maintenance, in part because it’s a more convenient time. But also, I’ve seen a lot of the weight-loss stuff and what is informative the first time becomes tedious on repetition. Also, I predict that I am going to have more difficulty with maintenance than I am with weight loss, so it probably make sense to put the extra edge there.


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