Week 23 in the Program

Wow, it’s been a while since I updated this. No particular reason — I guess I just got distracted.

Weight this week | Change since last week | Total change
277.2 | -1.4 | -91.2

It’s more than a little odd, as my numbers don’t seem to be tied to what I actually do during a week.  Weeks where I hew closely to the plan and work out and such can be low weight-loss weeks.  Weeks where I fall off the wagon a little can be high weight-loss weeks.  All I know is, things haven’t stabilized enough for me to consider Maintenance seriously.  Anyway, I’m excited to be closing in on 100 pounds.  I might just get there by six months, and if not, then soon after.

Class has been a mixed bag.  Kristi is great and works hard to keep people motivated.  But I feel like I do best just plugging away — the variety and hoopla doesn’t really do it for me.  I know that that’s different than for most people but then, I’m different too.  In any event the accountability of a weekly meeting and a weekly call have been very helpful, and the other stuff is certainly not horrible, so I’ll keep on with it.



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